Friday, December 28, 2012


At some point in my life I use to aspire to be a NASCAR driver, but now that I'm 30 I no longer have that desire. However, the feeling of being on a race track in a go kart gave me that thrill and excitement real racers feel; well maybe not the full effect but it was close enough for me.

This evening my friend Ebony and her awesome and adventurous mom, Ms. Angela, went to Pole Position Raceway in Jersey City.   Outside of me feeling like I needed to barf, after going on the track the 1st 10 times, I had a great time.  The max speed of the karts were 45mph and were easily controlled by the attendants via a remote. Before getting into the kart you were required to watch a brief training video on what to do and what not to do and how to properly operate the kart.   If your even in the need to let out some road rage, the RIGHT way, and you're in the area stop by this place you won't be disappointed.  Good to know, if you get there earlier in the evening you won't have to worry about waiting too long before its your turn to get onto the track.

On the track the speed probably reached the max, as the car hit the turns at full speed I tap the break just a little and the rear of my kart slides into the curve giving me my 1st hands on experience at 'drifting'.  I felt like I was one of the guys racing down in Englishtown, NJ.  On Fire Miyah (my racer name) was truly on fire even thought I ranked number 4 in my overall group.  #FunTimes

Thank you to Ebony and Momma Angela, for making my 1st time at Pole Position extra special.  I'm looking forward to our next adventure.

To my readers, until next time enjoy the photos and if you have any suggestions to add to my list be sure to leave a comment.

Peace and Blessings,


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